Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Love is a Sacrifice

A couple weeks ago, the Lord laid a brother in Christ on my heart. I felt like God wanted me to love him with his love. During the prayer time, God had me feel his heart and I began to cry out for him. A couple of days later, I began to complain and murmur, " Why does God always lay people on my heart that are hard to love or people who don"t return God's love". God dealt with me afterwards by dropping questions in my spirit... " What would be the point to love a person with my love if the person loves you back? It would't be the love of God. You would't be able to see me working in the situation because you would be relying on your own love. When you love someone with God's love, you are sacrificing your emotions, your heart, and everything else. The scripture says, " For if ye love them which love you, what thank have ye? for sinners also love those that love them. And if ye do good to them that which do good to you, what thank have ye? for sinners also do even the same". Luke 6:32-33. The love of God goes beyond human capability. God's love takes patience, long-suffering, humbleness, meekness and strength. Let that be our prayer that God would help us to love everyone with his love. That as a people of God we wouldn't be so quick to judge and find flaws. Just as Jesus looked beyond our faults and saw our need for him that we can do the same.

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