Saturday, January 23, 2010

God's Chosen Fast

God bless, Just a few thoughts I had today. Isn't it something when you want to be obedient to everything in the life works against it? The lord has been showing me how easily distracted I am. (This month our church is fasting and consecrating and we try to abstain from entertainment and everything that may distracts us) so, I was on the Internet last night "checking my email"...and before you know it I was looking at video after video on YouTube!! Watching people "shout"...and all this other stuff. When I finally went to bed, I began to talk to the lord, and I said," I don't even know if I should say lord forgive me...because I keep doing it!!" When I ask forgiveness from something I don't want to ever do it again. But my whole point is, in Isaiah 58, God talks about the chosen fast. In that chosen fast you should be afflicting your soul and flesh. In that chapter God told Israel that they "exact all your labors and found pleasure" This was not God's chosen fast...Its not a time for you to be happy and satisfied...its a serious time...The lord has been leading me on extended fast, but I feel like I keep messing up by becoming distracted. I seriously thought it would be hard to fast as school, but that is the easier part, the hardest part is staying consecrated and keeping your fellowship with the Lord. In Chapter 58, God tell us so many things that could happen, if we give him that chosen fast. Heavy burdens, oppresses spirits and every yoke would be broken in our life. This is that fast that God has chosen. To consecrate means to set apart; to come aside. God says to rend our hearts and not our garments.(Joel 2:13) He said the foreskin of our hearts should be circumcised.( Deu 10:16) Lord, if we could just see in all of your glory. God we can be able to see ourselves and how sinful we really are. You said our hearts are deceitful above all things and desperately wicked; who can know it?( Jeremiah 17:9)..Lord, David cry was "Give me a clean heart, oh God, renew a right spirit within me"(Psalm 50)...Oh God, is that not our cry in these last days? Let that be every person cry who professes to walk with you. Oh Lord, let us set our heart on you. Oh God, let us lay aside every weight and sin that so easily besets us. Let us run with patience. Looking unto you Oh, God. Looking unto Jesus the Author and Finisher our faith.

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